Immigration Resources

Pass/No Pass Grading

P/NP, Pass/No Pass Most college courses allow students the option of a final course grade of P, Pass, or NP, No Pass, instead of traditional letter grades (A, B, C, D, or F). Some courses are graded only on a Pass/No Pass basis. In courses graded only on the Pass/No Pass basis or when a student elects this grading option, the grade of P, Pass, will be assigned if the student has passed the course with a grade equivalent of A, B, or C, and credit will be awarded for the unit value of the course.

The grade of NP, No Pass, will be assigned if the student earns the grade equivalent of D or F, and no units of credit will be awarded for the course. Neither the P, Pass, grade nor the NP, No Pass grade is included in the calculation of the grade point average at this institution. A maximum of 15 units of credit may be earned on a Pass/ No Pass grading basis in degree-applicable or transferable courses. The Pass/No Pass option is not recommended for any course in a student’s major. Not all courses graded on a Pass/No Pass basis are accepted for transfer by other institutions. Students planning to transfer to another college or university should be aware of the policy of that institution regarding Pass/No Pass grades. Students may elect the Pass/No Pass grading option in courses in which it is available by notifying the college Office of Admissions and Records, using this form 

Pass / No Pass Status Application

Students who have elected the Pass/No Pass grading option may reverse this decision only within these same deadlines.

*Pass/No Pass deadlines are subject to change based on direction from the Chancellor's Office. Contact Admissions & Records for more information. 559-675-4848

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