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Zero Cost Textbook Degree Option

The Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Degree program is one of the Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives to improve teaching, learning, and accessibility for all learners at California Higher Education institutions. “Zero-textbook-cost degrees” means community college associate degrees or career technical education certificates earned entirely by completing courses that eliminate conventional textbook costs by using alternative instructional materials and methodologies, including open educational resources. 

The State has established parameters for what constitutes “zero-textbook-cost”:

  • If all assigned textbooks are optional for the section.
  • If all assigned textbooks are identified as Open Educational Resource (OER) textbooks. 
  • If the assigned textbooks (including course readers) are available online for free (i.e., through library databases OR as check outs) AND students are not required to buy a physical copy ​(Note: for course readers and online materials, faculty are responsible for adhering to copyright and accessibility requirements).
  • If there is no assigned textbook.

Other considerations:

  • Lab materials or required supplies are not considered a textbook cost, so if a course section meets the parameters noted above, but require materials (e.g., goggles) or have a materials fee then the section WOULD still qualify textbook cost free per State guidelines.
  • If students need to pay fees to access a software platform to do coursework or homework, this counts as a cost. The course section would NOT qualify.
  • A course must be replacing a textbook with an associated cost, with zero textbook cost materials to qualify for the ZTC designation.

Below is a list of degrees offered at Madera Community College identifying the percentage of the degree that can be obtained by selecting courses that are Zero Textbook Cost. Degrees that are listed as 100% means that you can earn that degree by picking courses in the schedule that have the Zero Textbook Cost icon.

Dollar sign with a line through it - zero textbook cost icon

General Education
Program %  ZTC option
Madera Community College GE (2023-2024) 100%
CSU-GE, CA 100%
IGETC, CA 100%

Associates Degree for Transfer
Administration of Justice, AS-T 100%
Agricultural Business, AS-T 44%
Agricultural Plant Science, AS-T 57%
Art History, AA-T 100%
Biology, AS-T 43%
Business Administration 2.0, AS-T 25%
Business Administration, AS-T 13%
Communications Studies, AA-T 67%
Early Childhood Education, AS-T 100%
Economics, AS-T 50%
Elementary Teacher Education, AA-T 65%
English, AA-T 33%
History, AA-T 83%
Kinesiology, AS-T 63%
Mathematics, AS-T 60%
Philosophy, AA-T 33%
Physics, AS-T 100%
Political Science, AA-T 67%
Psychology, AA-T 100%
Social Work and Human Services, AA-T 100%
Sociology, AA-T 100%
Spanish, AA-T 40%
Studio Arts, AA-T 63%

Associates Degree
Accounting, AS 17%
Agricultural Business Option A, AS 7%
Agricultural Mechanics, AS 0%
Agricultural: Plant and Soil Science, AS 36%
Agricultural Education, AS 8%
American Sign Language, AA 0%
Art: Two-Dimensional, AA 100%
Biological Sciences, AS 100%
Business Administration: Entrepreneur, AS 25%
Business Administration: General Business, AS 25%
Business Administration: Information Systems Management, AS 23%
Business Administration: Management, AS 25%
Business Administration: Marketing, AS 25%
Child Development, AS 100%
Communication Studies, AA 83%
Computer Science, AS 60%
Criminology: Corrections, AS 50%
Criminology: Law Enforcement, AS 50%
Engineering, AS 100%
English, AA 25%
Environmental Horticulture, AS 14%
Industrial Maintenance Technician, AS 10%
Information Systems: Information Technology Support Option, AS 27%
Information Systems: Networking and Security, AS 20%
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Arts and Humanities, AA 83%
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Natural Sciences, AA 100%
Liberal Arts and Sciences, AA 100%
Licensed Vocational Nursing, AS 0%
LVN-RN, AS 10%
Manufacturing Technology: Machine Tool Technology, AS 14%
Manufacturing Technology: Welding Technology, AS 38%
Mathematics, AS 60%
Office Technology: Administrative Assistant, AS 0%
Office Technology: Medical Administrative Assistant, AS 0%
Physical Science, AS 86%
Social Science, AA 100%
Speech Language Pathology Assistant, AS 38%

Accounting, CA 0%
Agricultural Mechanics, CA 0%
American Sign Language Conversational Proficiency, CA 17%
Business Administration: 21st Century Job Skills, CA 33%
Business Administration Entry Level Business Skills, CA 17%
Business Administration: Business Foundations, CA 17%
Business Administration: Hospitality Management, CN 33%
Business Administration: Managerial Assistant, CA 43%
Child Development: Associate Teacher, CA 100%
Child Development, CA 100%
Child Development: Early Intervention Assistant, CA 100%
Communications Studies, CA 100%
Criminology: Crime Scene Investigation, CA 33%
Criminology: Law Enforcement, CA 25%
Criminology: Corrections, CA 38%
Developmental Services Like Skills: Community Emphasis, CA 63%
Developmental Services Like Skills: Workability Emphasis, CA 71%
English as a Second Language: Academic and Vocational ESL, CC 25%
English as a Second Language: Basic ESL, CC 0%
English as a Second Language: Intermediate Academic and Vocational ESL, CC 0%
English: Creative Writing, CN 0%
Environmental Horticulture, CA 25%
Forestry and Natural Resources: Back Country Skills, CN 0%
Honors Program, CN 0%
Human Services, CA 67%
Industrial Maintenance Technician, CA 10%
Information Systems, CA 17%
Information Systems: Basics of Computers, CA 67%
Information Systems: Networking and Security, CA 0%
Information Technology: Support Technician, CA 0%
Licensed Vocational Nursing, CA 0%
LVN-RN, CA 11%
Manufacturing 1, CA 0%
Manufacturing: Machinist, CA 14%
Manufacturing: Maintenance Mechanic, CN 0%
Office Technology: Administrative Assistant, CA 6%
Office Technology: Medical Administrative Assistant, CA 0%
Office Technology: Office Assistant, CA 0%
Speech Aide, CA 0%
Welding Technology, CA 38%
Last updated: 7/5/2024
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