Immigration Resources

911  emergency call

911 - Emergency Services & Safety

In an emergency call (559) 244-5911 or extension 5911 from any campus phone to connect to State Center Community College District Police Department's dispatch center. The dispatch center will send emergency services from SCCCD Police or other outside agencies, as needed.

Individuals requiring emergency assistance can also call District Police using one of the emergency telephones located in yellow boxes with blue lights outside campus buildings.

District Police

State Center Community College District Police Department aids in the administrative processes of the college and district by protecting the person and rights of all district employees, district and student body property, and private property. Assistance will be given to victims of any type of crime or to persons seeking general law enforcement information.


To report suspected incidents of unlawful activities by District employees in the performance of their duties, select Report a Crime and complete the template.

If the incident involves possible violations of state and federal statutes, rules, or regulations, or violations of fiduciary responsibility by a District employee listed below are the state and federal hotline information.

State: California State Auditor
State: (800) 952-5665

Federal: OIG Complaints Analysis Office (Hotline)
Phone: 800-424-5197
Address: 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room: S-5506
Washington, DC 20210
Website:   DOC OIG Hotline

Refer to AR7700 for complete Whistleblower Protection procedures.

Department of Environmental Health & Safety (DEHS)

(link to page on district site)

1916 N. Calaveras
Fresno, CA 93704

Crisis Team

Psychological Services 559-443-8687 provides assistance to the general student population

  • Crisis intervention
  • Brief psychotherapy
  • Referral
  • Guidance Studies classes in:
    • Interpersonal Abuse
    • Peer Mentoring
    • Smoking Cessation

The office is located in Bookstore building in room SC-216, upper level.

Campus Security & Fire Report

Crime Alert

Annual Security Report - Cleary Report

Apply For Admission
Campus Map
Class Schedules
Financial Aid
Final Exam Schedule
Human Resources
Timely Warnings
Clery Report
District Police
Measure C
Other Colleges
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Fresno City College
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State Center Community
College District (SCCCD)
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Associate Degree
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