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President's Message

MCCC President Angel ReynaDr. Angel Reyna 

Welcome to Madera Community College, home of the Mountain Lions!

As the only college in Madera County (and with a campus in Oakhurst), we are proud to serve the Central Valley region. Our commitment is to the community and to your success.

Personally, I am proud to be your president. I have known from a young age I wanted to work in education. As I moved along in my career, I knew I wanted to serve students who, in many ways, looked like me.

At the age of four, I migrated from Mexico to the United States and immediately started working in the fields. I worked as a migrant farm worker until I started college. My parents left school during their elementary school years to work the fields, but my mom always talked to me about the importance of getting an education. And my dad taught me the value of hard work.

The youngest of seven children, I watched some of my siblings go to college. They paved the way for me. If you are the first in your family to go to college, don’t ever underestimate the power of the example you are setting for those around you!

During college, I sometimes felt like I did not belong. Many of my professors did not look like me.  It didn’t feel like there was a place for me. We at Madera Community College want each student we serve to feel welcomed and validated.

I know my story may not be your story, but my own lived experience is what drives me to create a college where all students are supported – where everyone can succeed and has a voice. At our core, Madera Community College is committed to equity and anti-racism. We live out these commitments daily by questioning everything. We ask ourselves: how do we create programs and services to support students who have historically been underserved by colleges, such as students of color, students with disabilities, and students who are first in their families to go to college. What barriers exist and what can we do about it?

Let us know your goals. Tell us your story. We want to walk with you every step of the way. We offer 98 degrees and certificates developed in partnership with local employers and universities to support economic growth in our region. You can earn your associate degree and/or transfer to a four-year college. Or you may want to gain skills needed for a higher paying job. Maybe you have always wanted to get that degree to make your kids proud. There are so many reasons students decide to come to Madera Community College. No matter your “why,” you are our “why.”

In closing, I want to extend a warm welcome on behalf of all the faculty, staff members and current students. At Madera Community College, there is a place for you. We look forward to being part of your college journey.


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Madera Community College at Oakhurst
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