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Learning Disability (LD) Services

What is a Learning Disability?

A Learning Disability (LD) is a persistent condition with a presumed neurological basis which may affect how a person understands, expresses, or remembers information. Sometimes learning disabilities have been mistaken as an intellectual disability or other disorder, leading to a misunderstanding of the nature of learning disabilities. Someone with a learning disability does not lack cognitive ability, in fact, a person with a learning disability has by definition average or above-average level cognitive ability. Eligibility for services under this disability must be verified using the California Community College Learning Disability Eligibility Model.

What is LD Testing?

Learning disability testing is designed to assess if a student may have a disability in one of the following areas: reading, writing, math, or processing speed.  This testing is designed for individuals who do not have documentation of a disability and have experienced academic struggles in school.  By being tested for a learning disability if someone is found to have a disability they could then qualify for accommodations and services that can help with academic success.   This process can also help the student learn more about their own strengths and weaknesses and can provide.

How to Receive DSP&S Services Based on a Learning Disability

  • I have documentation of a learning disability
    • Bring us a copy of your Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or previous adult level testing in order for us to verify your disability.
    • Afterward, an appointment will be scheduled to discuss your access to DSPS services and academic accommodations.
  • I do not have documentation of a learning disability
    • If you do not have disability documentation and would like to discover if your learning difficulties are because of a learning disability, you must first be enrolled in classes at Madera Community College.
    • Then you may begin the learning disabilities evaluation process by contacting our office and completing a series of steps and appointments which include testing. The process can be lengthy, so we encourage you not to delay contacting us.

Need Assistance?

For more information, contact the DSP&S office by email at or by phone at (559) 675-4864 for more information.

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