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Accessible Parking

Designated accessible parking on campus is provided for students who have a DMV disabled person placard or license plate. The following are accessible parking regulations and guidelines on the Madera Community College campus.

Accessible parking requires a DMV Disabled Person/Disabled Veteran Placard and/or plate, and a valid parking permit or daily parking permit.

When these items are displayed, the automobile may be parked in the following areas:

  1. Marked accessible stall, with a blue curb or parking block
  2. Any parking stall that has a sign noting a time limit
  3. Parking meter zone (NO payment needs to be placed into meter)
  4. Automobiles may not park in other special designated areas (ie. staff, faculty, police, loading zone, etc.)

Visitors with handicapped placards can park in the meters located throughout the campus as identified in the use section of their placard.

For information about applying for a DMV disabled person placard or license plate visit: California DMV Information on Disabled Person Parking Placards & License Plates (FFVR07)

For more information about the Accessible Parking Regulations please contact the State Center Community College District Police Department at (559) 244-5911 or visit: SCCCD Police Parking and Traffic Policy

For Accessible Parking designations please view Madera Community College Campus Parking Map.

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