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Student Education Plan (SEP)

Starting August 29, 2022 Students can access their SEP in Starfish

Student Education Plan (SEP) is a document that you and your counselor create together showing the courses and activities planned to reach your academic and career goals. 

An SEP should be developed even before you start your first semester at MCC and then updated throughout your enrollment in college.

Madera Community College uses Starfish Degree Planner for Student Education Plans.  Visit our Starfish for Students webpage for more information.

An SEP can help ensure you take courses and participate in services that align with your goals to graduate, transfer, and increase your skills for employment. 

Abbreviated SEP (SEPA)If you complete an SEPA, you will have a plan that includes 1-2 semesters of work.

Comprehensive SEP (SEPC) - If you complete an SEPC, you will have a plan that includes everything you need to complete your college goal. 

Updated SEP (SEPU) – If you have changed your major, want to add a certificate or have taken different courses than what is on your current SEP, you should see a counselor to update your SEP.

Any counselor can assist you with developing an SEP, however, we encourage you to review the list below to help you decide who you should schedule an appointment to meet with: 

  • Madera Community College Pathways Appointment

    If you have a Madera Community College major on your student record, you are assigned to a Pathway. When you log into Starfish, you will see the pathway service your major is associated with in “My Services”.  You can schedule an appointment to meet with one of the pathway counselors through that service.

  • Madera Community College General Counseling Appointment

    If you do not currently have a Madera Community College major on your student record or you are not sure what your major is and you are not a participant in any programs listed below, you may schedule to meet with a counselor through the Madera Community College General Counseling Service.  

  • Madera Community College Special Program Counseling Appointment
    If you are a participant with any of the above mentioned programs or any other special counseling programs, request an SEP directly from your program office. When you log into Starfish, you will see the program service(s) you are associated with in “My Services” and see information about how to schedule an appointment to meet with a program counselor.
  • High School Enrichment or Dual Enrollment Students:
    If you are currently enrolled in High School and taking college courses through Dual Enrollment or High School Enrichment, please schedule an appointment with one of our Special Admit Counselors. To schedule an appointment, call (559) 692-5613.


  • To complete a Certificate of Achievement (CA) or Certificate Program (CN) you must complete the Major requirements only. The number of units required for each certificate varies.


  • To complete an Associate Degree (AA/AS) at Madera Community College, you must complete the Major Requirements and one of the General Education patterns (Madera Community College General Education, CSU GE Pattern or IGETC Pattern).  You will complete a minimum of 60 units to receive an associate degree.


  • To complete an Associate Degree For Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) at Madera Community College, you must complete the Major Requirements and one of the General Education Transfer Requirement patterns (CSU GE or IGETC).  You will complete a minimum of 60 transferrable units to receive an ADT.
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