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Satisfactory Progress, Probation, & Dismissal

State law requires you to maintain “Satisfactory Progress” while enrolled at a community college.

To maintain “Satisfactory Progress” and stay in Good Standing, you must have:

  • Attempted 12 or more units
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher. (Plan with GPA Calculator)
  • And/or have completed more than 50% of the units attempted

If you do not meet “Satisfactory Progress” by completing courses and/or earning successful grades, you will be placed on probation. Continued lack of satisfactory progress will result in moving through the different levels of probation. Please view the levels of probation & resolution for more information about how to get off of probation and/or temporarily remove holds to register. 



  • Level 1 Academic Probation (A1): "Level 1" Academic Probation occurs when you have earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 for one semester.
  • Level 1 Progress Probation (P1): "Level 1" Progress Probation occurs when you have not completed more than 50% of the courses you attempted for one consecutive semester.

Resolution of Level 1 Probation:

Students on Level 1 Academic or Progress Probation are required to complete the State Center Community College District Online Probation Workshop.


  • Level 2 Academic Probation (A2): "Level 2" Academic Probation occurs when you have earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.
  • Level 2 Progress Probation (P2): "Level 2" Progress Probation occurs when you have not completed more than 50% of the courses you attempted for two consecutive semesters.

Resolution of Level 2 Probation:

Students on Level 2 Academic or Progress Probation are required to meet with a counselor and will be expected to set guidelines and complete:

  • A progress check-in covering the grade status for the current term courses in order to help inform completion of the Retention Agreement. 
  • A Retention Agreement form to identify student success strategies, establish registration guidelines, unit limitations, and course selections.
  • Note: Completing the Online Probation Workshop will not clear the Level 2 probation hold.

Once a meeting with a counselor occurs, guidelines are set and/or documents are completed, the student will have the ability to register (add/drop) courses following the guidelines set in that meeting.


A student shall be placed on Dismissal status (Academic/Progress) and will be dismissed from attending college, exclusive of summer session, if, during each of three consecutive semesters, the student's performance falls under one or the combination of the following two conditions:

  1. The student's cumulative (GPA) is 1.99 or less
  2. The percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of "W", "I", "NP", and "NC" are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of all units attempted.

A student will be required to sit out of all State Center Community College District Colleges and Centers for ONE semester as a result of their first dismissal, TWO semesters for a second dismissal, and FOUR semesters for a third dismissal.

Resolution of Dismissal:

  • Dismissal & Readmission: Students will be dismissed from the college/district and, therefore, will be required to sit out of all State Center Community College District Colleges and Centers for:
    Dismissal & Readmission:
    Dismissal Number Time Dismissed
    1st Dismissal 1 Semester (FA or SP)
    2nd Dismissal 2 Semesters (1 year-FA/SP)
    3rd Dismissal 4 Semesters (2 years-FA/SP/FA/SP)

    After sitting out the designated time frame, a dismissed student who wishes to be readmitted must meet with a counselor to complete the Readmission Process.  Starfish Appointment Link

  • Appealing Your Dismissal through Madera Community College: If you went into dismissal status due to extenuating circumstances, you can complete the Petition for Waiver of Disqualification Period and Reinstatement of Disqualified Student. Examples of extenuating circumstances: verified cases of accidents, illnesses, death in the immediate family, jury duty, declaration of war, natural calamity, military conscription, family or job displacement, instructor error, or other circumstances beyond your control. After the petition is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Madera Community College Academic Standards Committee at their next scheduled monthly meeting (meeting dates are available from the Admissions and Records office). If the appeal is not approved, the student will be dismissed and must follow Dismissal & Readmission process.

     To submit an Appeal:

  • Schedule an appointment to meet with a Madera Community College counselor. The counselor will assist you with completing the petition. Be sure to note any deadlines for appeals that are identified in the disqualification notice sent to your SCCCD student email at the time you were placed on dismissal.
  • Prepare your response to the following questions that are part of the petition and bring them to your scheduled counseling appointment:
    • Explain why you have been unable to complete college work successfully.  Present all relevant information. Provide any supporting documentation which verifies your situation (e.g., copies of medical records or court records).
    • Explain why you will be able to be successful in college in the future. What will be different now and in the future.


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