Immigration Resources

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New Student Resources

At a Glance Resources:


Is this your first semester? Do you have questions about the online application, Canvas, Self-Service, or general questions about where to access resources? We are here to help!

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Student Support Services

Checklist for Student Success

If you need assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office by phone at (559) 675-4849 or email at

Apply Here

If you are a currently enrolled student at Madera Community College, and still need laptops or hotspots, you can check availability by calling (559) 675-4835 or by e-mail at

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MyPortal is your one-stop location for everything you need to be successful  

Where are my online classes? Where is my student email? How do I access my class schedule? Welcome to MyPortal! MyPortal is your student portal. Here, you will find common student apps, resources, and links. Log in to MyPortal to access Canvas, Outlook, and Self-Service.   

Username: 7-digit SCCCD ID followed by For example
Password: Default password is the first letter of your first name (UPPERCASE), the first letter of your last name (lowercase), and your 6-digit birthdate (MMDDYY)

Students must change their default password as soon as possible.

How to change your password (PDF)

Problems Changing Your Password (PDF)


Student email?

All important information will be sent to your student email, so please check daily! You don’t want to miss important updates.

How to Access your student email (PDF)

Download Office 365/Outlook on your phone today.


How to login to Canvas (PDF)

Once logged into Canvas, you will see your classes in Dashboard. If you don't see all your classes listed, don't worry. Some instructors don’t make their courses available until the first day of the semester, while others make them available earlier. It’s a good idea to begin checking Canvas and your student email at least a week before the semester begins, and always be sure to log in to your classes on the first day of the semester!


Self-Service is a one-stop-shop for accessing student information. Here, you can find your class schedule, register for classes, check your Financial Aid status, view your transcript, pay fees, and more!

Check More Information

Free Office 365

Office 365 is free for all Madera Community College students.  Office 365 includes Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and more!  Download on your laptop or computer today!

  1. Go to  
  2. Sign in using your My Portal log in:
    • Username:  7-digit college ID followed by For example     
    • Password:  My Portal password
  3. Once logged in, select “Install Office” (top right-hand corner)
  4. Get started on your schoolwork!  

Visit Self-Service in My Portal to pay your fees by the deadline. Your financial aid may cover enrollment fees, but student fees may still apply. 

Pay Online

Textbook information is located in Self-Service by clicking on the “Bookstore Information” link in each courses section.

Attend your classes on the first day of school. If you are taking an online class, be sure to access your courses in Canvas through My Portal the first day of the semester. You may be dropped from a class if you do not attend the first class meeting or do not access your online courses in Canvas. 

If the class you are looking for has a waitlist, press the blue button in Self-Service to join the waitlist. It will remain on your schedule until you receive permission to register through your student email. Once you have received that, make sure you go back into your schedule and register for the class before the expiration date, four days from when you are given permission. If you miss your registration window, you’ll be removed from the waitlist – so check your email daily!

If you are still on the waitlist by the time the class starts, or just need to add a class after the semester begins, add the class to your schedule and either sit in the class or, if the class is online, email the professor on the first day of class. If there is availability, the professor will authorize you to add the class. Once they do that, you can go back to your schedule and register for the class. You will see a blue message saying “authorized to add.” If you were on the waitlist, you will have a higher priority over other students, so make sure to let the professor know.

Managing Classes with Self Service

TIP: Make sure you know your ID number when asking a professor to join their class. They will need it to give you the authorization to add the class. Remember, you can register for a class online through Self-Service until 11:59 pm the day before the first class session.

Follow up with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan - Comprehensive (SEPC) before you register for the next semester. Schedule an appointment online or call (559) 675-4141 (Madera campus) or (559) 683-3940 (Oakhurst campus).

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