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ISS Exploration & Dialogue

Standards I.B.3, I.C.3 (Requirement 1):

In order to achieve initial accreditation, the Commission requires the institution establish institution-set standards for student achievement, appropriate to its mission, assesses how well it is achieving them in pursuit of continuous improvement, and publish this information. 

Process for Developing Madera Community College Center (MCCC) Institution-Set Standards (ISS): 


Institution-Set Standards are a practice formally sustained under Reedley College. Madera Community College Center (MCCC) moved into developing “Madera-centric” Institution-sets standards in Fall 2019. Research included review of various ISS, both within the district and other California Community Colleges, as well as alignment with college mission and vision. The idea to create ISS within the GP framework was derived from the foundational work dedicated to building up the four pillars of GP. MCCC then reached out to our assigned Regional GP Coordinator (CCCCO) to discuss resources available for this type of implementation. 


The idea to ground ISS within the GP framework and a draft of metrics was presented to GP Core, the central implementation and communication leads for GP efforts, made up of various constituency representatives from the campus. The drafted ISS and discussion were then moved to College Council.   College Council voted to move ISS forward with essential pieces and provided consideration for additional metrics.  The actions taken based on discussion included; adding of additional metrics and presentation on Spring 2020 Opening Day. At Opening Day campus constituency was advised that ISS would be presented to their respective committees Spring 2020.  

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