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Veterans FAQ

The processing time for paperwork submitted to the School Certifying Official is usually two weeks. During peak periods allow at least three weeks for processing. Processing of the initial VA application by the Veterans Administration takes at up to a month; subsequent paperwork is usually processed within 4 weeks.

It takes the VA approximately 4 weeks from the date we certify your enrollment to generate your first check. The VA issues payments directly to students on or after the first of each month following the month you are in class. For example: A student would receive payment for September on or after October 1. If you experience a longer wait time or do not receive your check when expected please contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551.

Pay rates depend on the duration of your service and enrollment status. Pay rates vary for each chapter. A complete list of pay rates can be found by using the GI Bill Comparison Tool at .

Recipients of Chapters 30 and 1606 are required to verify their enrollment no sooner than the last calendar day of each month. You can verify your enrollment online through WAVE ( or by phone at 1-877-823-2378. If you have had a change in enrollment status which has not yet been reported to the VA you must use WAVE( to verify your enrollment and submit the change in enrollment status to avoid a possible overpayment. Failure to verify your enrollment will cause your payments to stop.

Chapter 33 students must also verify your enrollment with VA at the end of every month through VA’s text message or email systems, or by calling 888-442-4551. VA will text you asking you to opt in to their system. If you do not receive the opt-in message, check your email account on file with VA. If you do not find an email please call the number above. If you fail to verify enrollment for two consecutive months, VA will suspend your monthly housing payments.

To change your major you must meet with a Veterans Counselor to select an approved major and create a new Veterans Student Education Plan (VSEP). It is the student’s responsibility to submit a copy of the new VSEP to the School Certifying Official.

There is no limit to the number of times a veteran or dependent can change their major.

You must inform the Veterans Center staff immediately if you change your schedule to ensure that your enrollment certification is adjusted with VA. This will help you avoid possible overpayment of benefits. You should email or your School Certifying Official of the changes.

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