Immigration Resources

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) is a supplemental component of EOPS and provides educational support services for students who are the single head of household with children under the age of 14, and are receiving “cash aid” through the county Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Students must first meet EOPS program entry requirements and must be enrolled as a full time student prior to participating in the CARE program. Student participants are eligible to receive EOPS support services with additional services exclusive of typical services provided. This includes intrusive counseling services and allowances for educationally-related expenditures that include;

  • Child Care
  • Transportation - Gas Cards
  • Meal Cards
  • Direct Grant Aid – CARE grant
  • School Supplies
  • Intensive Academic and Personal Counseling
  • Personal Development Workshops/Activities - (including self-esteem, parenting, study skills, time management, group support and peer networking)
  • Referral Services – (campus-and community-based human services programs)

Program participants may be eligible to receive grants, allowances and/or services for educationally-related expenditures for dependent care, transportation, textbooks and school supplies which may be awarded as a means of strengthening their retention, persistence, graduation and transfer rates. CARE also may provide eligible students with other educational support including: supplemental counseling and advisement; personal development activities, workshops and/or curriculum (including self-esteem, parenting, study skills, time management, etc.); group support and peer networking; information and referrals to campus-and community-based human services programs; and other services designed to assist academically high risk students obtain educational success and eventually transition from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency for themselves and their families.

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