- Meet with a counselor to find out! If you are interested in transferring to a UC, i.e. Merced, Davis, etc., ask the counselor if you are eligible for the UC TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)
- UC application opens on August 1st, but you cannot summit it until November 1st
- Meet with a University Representative to answer any questions you may have about their campus
- Schedule an appointment to update your student educational plan
Are you eligible for the UC TAG? Interested in transferring to UC Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, or Santa Cruz?
Check with the counselor to see if you are eligible for this free, transfer admission guarantee application. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego do not participate in TAG. If you are eligible, you must apply for both TAG and admission application.
Sign up for the UC TAG Information Workshop- Fall UC TAG Deadline: September 1st-30th
- Meet with a University Representative to answer any questions you may have about their campus
- Attend the University Transfer Fair in the fall
The Cal State University (CSU) applications are open to apply for transfer for next fall.
Applications are October 1st and you must submit by November 30th.
- Sign up for a CSU application workshop
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) opens on October 1st. You need to submit this application by March 2nd, so you can be eligible for California Grants. These grants help to pay for your tuition at the four-year universities and you do not have to pay them back.
The UC (University of California) applications are open for submission on November 1st. Both the CSU and UC applications are Due NOVEMBER 30th.
- Sign up for a CSU application workshop
- Sign up for UC application workshops and Personal Insight Questions (PIQ) workshop
- Meet with a Counselor to make sure fall and spring classes are set
- Meet with a University Representative if you have any questions regarding their campus
Are you getting an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T)?
- You will need to apply for graduation using WebAdvisor, so your degree can be posted on your transcript
Congratulations on submitting your application(s)! Even though you will not hear back immediately on whether you have been admitted or not, make sure to check the email that you put in as your email in the application.
The campuses will keep in contact with you through your email for the time being. You should hear back within a few weeks of submitting your application. These emails wills give you access to the portals and your student ID number for the campuses you applied to.
Do not see an email? Check your spam and make sure to slowly go through each email that is sent to you from the campus.
- Still do not see the email? If it has been a few weeks and you still have not heard, reach out to the Career, Employment, and Transfer Center and we will help you figure out what to do!
Update your CSU and UC applications to include your fall grades and to confirm that the spring classes are the same. If not, make changes accordingly. Updates are due by January 31st. Make sure to keep checking your emails and portals from the campuses so you do not miss any deadlines.
- Sign up for an What's next after applying workshop to help update your applications and keep you on track
- Meet with a Counselor if there are changes to your fall and/or spring semester. Do not wait until the end!
- Advise to apply for graduation using WebAdvisor, if you have not yet done so
- Check your CSU portals to see if they are requesting transcript and/or other required documents, such as Residency, AP, Military DD214. You must order the official transcript through Admissions and Records .
Is your campus requiring a Supplementary Application?
- Some of the CSUs, i.e. Long Beach, San Diego, etc., and UCs, i.e. Berkeley, require students to complete a Supplementary Application. If you are unsure how to fill it out, meet with a Counselor to complete it before the
Do you have AP scores?
- If you put AP scores in the application, the university will be asking for these. You must send the scores directly from College Board to the
Did you attend multiple colleges?
- If you attended any college besides the SCCCD, you must submit those transcripts to the university as well. The campuses will let you know which transcripts they need from which campus by a specific date; find out by checking your To Do List. Also, follow up with the Admissions and Records Office at the university you sent these transcripts to in order to confirm they received
- Complete your FAFSA by March 2nd
- Continue to check your emails and portals from the campuses that you have applied
The deadline for California Grants through FAFSA is soon:
- Complete your FAFSA by March 2nd
Have you been admitted?
- Congratulations!
- Attend an I'm admitted. What should I do next workshop to help with those last details to help transfer successfully
- Sign up for a summer orientation with the campus of your choice. This will help you register for upcoming classes in the next school year
- Make sure to keep checking your To Do List in the university portal and to check your emails
Were you denied admission from the campus you applied to?
- Most denial emails provide instructions and a link to put in an appeal
- If you decide to submit an appeal, most universities give you less than 15 business days to do so. Appeals usually consist of completing an online form and uploading documents. It is a quick process, but please reach out to the Career, Employment, and Transfer Center as soon as you receive the notification
It is the last month of the spring semester at Madera Community College! You are almost on your way to completely transferring.
- Accept/Decline and register for New Student Orientation if you have not yet done so
- Submit your official final transcript (Dates vary depending on campus)
You have completed your last spring semester at Madera Community College! You are almost at the four-year university!
- You must accept a UC by June 1st by paying for the deposit. This can be called a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR), Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD), etc. Terms and deposits vary depending on campus
- Sign up for New Student Orientation
- Submit your official final transcript if you have not yet done so