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Response to Derek Chauvin Trial

Apr 20, 2021 — Response to Derek Chauvin Trial

Message from President Reyna to campus:

As we await the outcome of the Derek Chauvin trial, I am struck by the weight and significance of our work. Putting a stake in the ground to be anti-racist institution is one of the most important things we can do to serve our community and our nation. I have personally committed my career to fight injustice and make tangible change. I know many of you have as well. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, our work is only beginning. 
The death of George Floyd and so many others awakened our nation to the racial discrimination still in existence today. As we strive to do better and be better, I encourage us all to look for opportunities to build bridges. This includes building bridges with our local police. As we learned in our recent “Conversations with Local Police” event, we cannot lump all police officers in the same bucket, just like we cannot define people with different racial identities in the same way. Our equity and identity work is hard work, but it is necessary if we are to experience peace, unity and healing. 
This trial may be opening old and new wounds for many in our community. I encourage you to join our talking circles and other opportunities provided to share, grieve, and find solutions together. Students needing assistance are encouraged to reach out to our Psychological Services team or attend special events like the California Community Colleges Advocacy Day Town Hall on April 21, 9-11 a.m. We will be planning more opportunities over time. 
I continue to be grateful for each of you and the work you do every day to create a culture of anti-racism and equity-mindedness for our students and the entire region. Your work does not go unnoticed.
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