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Early Alert

What is Starfish Early Alert?

  • Starfish Early Alert is a communication tool we are utilizing districtwide
  • Starfish Early Alert supports student success, retention and completion by building community and facilitating improved communication between students, faculty, and student services
  • Starfish Early Alert provides a convenient way to track your students and provide just-in-time interventions based on student needs

How does Starfish Early Alert work?

  • Items will be linked to your course roster or connection to a student in Starfish
  • Starfish Early Alert uses Flags, Kudos, and Referrals to communicate students (when appropriate) and student services to create a team of support for our students
  • The “Close the Loop” feature allows faculty to monitor the results of their early alert efforts

How do I start using Starfish Early Alert?

Resources and training materials

This course has open enrollment. Faculty can self-enroll in the course 

For more information or assistance, please contact:

Alejandra Martinez
Retention and Student Success Counselor
(559) 674-4800 x4715

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