How to Update your Address in Self-Service

  1. Log-in to MyPortal
    1. Username - Your username is your 7-digit college student ID number with no additional letters or numbers, for example, 1001234. Your student ID# was emailed to you in your welcome email from SCCCD.
    2. Password - Your default password is the first letter of your first name (upper case), the first letter of your last name (lower case), and your 6-digit birth date (MMDDYY).
    3. For example, student John Smith was born on January 1, 1997, and his student ID# is 0123456. John's login information would be:
      Username: 0123456
      Password: Js010197
  2. Click on Self-Service on your dashboard
  3. Click on the person icon on your Self-Service Home screen and choose User Profile
    Self Service screenshot showing user profile selected
  4. Under Address, click on the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the screen
    Self-Service screenshot showing the address tab editing pencil
  5. Enter your address details, including the city, state and zip code
  6. Click Update Address at the bottom of the address window
  7. If you need assistance, please call the student Help Desk at 559-499-6072
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